Owen Francis Foundation has joined Health Access Sumbawa Australia with the Owen Francis program which specifically aids emergency and life changing medical treatment to children with desperate needs in the district of Hu`u in Sumbawa island Indonesia. The program is funded solely by Owen Francis foundation for Health Access Sumbawa with a collaboration with the Harapan Sumbawa Proyek Owen Francis Foundation is funded from Damian Bowman, Shane Bowman, Rachael Bowman and Kylie Fanning through Insalt fishing and Eyewear, Margaret River Eyewear, Fundraising from fishing competitions from The Average Angler fishing adventures and donations.
The Harapan health project is well known and respected in the Hu`u district for finding medical treatments for families who are not able to travel to suitable medical care. In Sumbawa medical treatment is limited so serious treatments and surgeries must mean travelling to better hospitals (usually Denpasar) to survive. Travelling a family to Bali for a child’s treatment is not only overwhelming it is also financially impossible to many who live in villages and farms and usually work 7 days a week just to look after the rest of their families. Harapan health project offers transport costs, accommodation costs and a caretaker to make the impossible possible.
The Owen Francis project by HAS Australia works specifically for children under the age of 16 that have life changing or life-threatening disease or illness caused directly by malnutrition and living in areas with bad sanitation and hygiene. Many of these cases are malaria or disease, birth defects, stunting and tumours. Stunting can also be invisible, such as reduced IQ, susceptibility to infections and weak immune systems. Birth defects are often from malnutrition in pregnant women, lack of iron (causing anaemia)and vitamin A, Sadly there are also many maternal child deaths, malnutrition is the single greatest threat to child survival today contributing to more than 45% of all child deaths worldwide. These are big issues that Health Access Sumbawa is working to change through education in its other programs and the Owen Francis program is designed to help the children in need that are desperate for immediate medical treatment. Often in cases we find children have been left untreated for months or years, the amount of these cases in overwhelming and without the Harapan Sumbawa proyek or the Owen Francis program these treatments are not possible for the majority of children in the district of Hu`u Sumbawa island.
All Right Reserved Owen Francis Foundation